Harford Community College is pleased to announce the students named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2024 semester. Students on the list have achieved high academic honor by earning all “A” and “B” grades and a 3.50 to 3.75 grade point average.
Adjunct instructor Aubrey Zinn, who teaches in Harford’s Arts & Humanities division, was recently named the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning’s Adjunct of the Year. Jordan McKeon and Tammy Webber were also nominated.
Dr. Ashley Meisel, MS, RN has been appointed Harford’s Dean of Nursing and Allied Health Professions. A dedicated and knowledgeable nurse educator, Dr. Meisel brings more than 12 years of experience in healthcare to the position.
Interested in applying for our nursing program? Attend an Information Session on either January 25, 1-2:15 PM in Darlington Hall or virtually on January 26, 5:30-6:45 PM. The sessions are open to everyone; no RSVP is required.
Harford County Public Schools and Harford have announced that eligible students who are in Dual Enrollment courses, including those who are currently enrolled, will no longer be charged the cost of tuition, fees, and textbooks.
Harford was named a 2022 Champion of Maryland Manufacturing in the Community Engagement category by the Regional Manufacturing Institute of MD for the “Leveling UP” component of the Additive Manufacturing Certificate Program.
Dr. Kim Davis, the new Dean of Arts & Humanities, comes to Harford from Oakland Community College in Michigan, where she served as Associate Dean of Communication, Arts and Humanities. She has been in higher education for 20 years.
Hosted by Harford’s Nursing and Allied Health Professions Division, the summer 2022 Nursing Class Pinning Ceremony for 32 proud and happy associate degree nursing graduates was held in the Chesapeake Center.
Dr. Marc Minnick is Harford’s new Dean of Business & Applied Technology. He last served at Manor College in Jenkintown, PA. In addition to his academic experience, Dr. Minnick brings extensive industry background to Harford.
Interested in becoming a Corrections Officer at the Harford County Detention Center? This training course, provided by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, includes introductory public safety training, background checks, information about the job, and an overview of the Detention Center.
The College is proud to announce the students named to the President’s List for the spring 2022 semester. One of the highest academic honors that college students can achieve is earning a place on this prestigious list.
Dakota Smith, a June graduate of Joppatowne High School, is the first recipient of The Success Journey Scholarship. Dakota will begin at Harford this fall to study business with an educational goal of becoming a CPA.
Learn about Harford’s new Auto Collision Repair program, explore the training facilities, and check out some vintage and classic cars at Canby Motors Collision Repair in Aberdeen on Saturday, July 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The College is pleased to announce those students named to the Deans’ List for the spring 2022 semester. One of the highest academic honors that college students can achieve is earning a place on this prestigious list.
22 Harford student-athletes were named to the 2022 NJCAA’s All-Academic Teams, the national office announced. Student-athletes can earn national academic honors by reaching a 3.60 GPA or higher for the 2021-22 academic year.
Athletic Director Ed Liesch announced that 73 student-athletes earned a spot on the AD’s Honor Roll, earning a minimum 3.0 GPA while taking at least 12 credits. 19 Fighting Owls achieved a 4.0 for the spring 2022 semester.
Harford Community College partnered with Cecil College to hold the Second Annual Scholars Summit on May 24 on Harford’s campus.
The Spring 2022 Nursing Class Pinning Ceremony for Harford Community College’s associate degree nursing graduates was held on May 25 in the Amoss Center in Bel Air.
The Harford County Electrical Apprenticeship (HCECA) Program’s 41st annual graduation took place on Friday, May 20, 2022 at the Amoss Center at Harford Technical High School.
Harford Community College held its Sixty-Fourth Annual Commencement on May 26, 2022. In traditional cap and gown ceremonies, graduates of the Class of 2022 received an associate degree and/or certificate at the events. Approximately 350 of the more than 800 Harford Community College graduates crossed the stage during Thursday’s ceremonies.
The National Security Agency (NSA) and National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded a grant to Harford Community College to fund the College’s “GenCyber Smart Girls Camp,” a one-week, nonresidential cybersecurity summer day camp. The grant enables Harford to offer several fun events, including two one-week camp sessions this summer to rising 7th, 8th, and 9th graders ages 11-15 at no cost.
GenCyber Smart Girls Camp for Middle School Students Promotes Cybersecurity as a Future Career Choice
Harford’s Rho Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, International Honor Society of two-year colleges, inducted new members in a ceremony on April 19. Previous inductees who couldn’t attend ceremonies due to COVID also participated.
Alumna Hannah Perkins graduated from Harford in spring 2021 and is now on her way to the Nuclear Medicine Technology program at Johns Hopkins Hospital’s School of Medical Imaging, an 18-month program that begins this month.
(Bel Air, MD) - Scientific Bioprocessing, Inc. (SBI) and BioMADE granted 23 community and technical colleges a total of $368,000 for state-of-the-art bioprocessing equipment through the SBI Digitally Simplified Bioprocessing Fellowship. Harford Community College (Harford) was one of the community colleges selected and will receive equipment valued at approximately $16,000.
Harford biology major and Honors Program member Abbey Battaglia’s goal is to become a registered dietitian working with athletes. She’ll realize her plan utilizing the Maryland Transfer Advantage Program after graduating from Harford.
Olivia Borkowski-Johnson, a Harford Community College majoring in nursing, has been named a 2022 New Century Transfer Scholar and will receive a $2,250 scholarship.
At its monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, the Harford Community College Board of Trustees unanimously voted to freeze tuition rates for the FY2023 academic year.
Harford Community College is pleased to announce the students named to the Deans’ List for the fall 2021 semester. Students on the list have achieved high academic honor by earning all “A” and “B” grades and a 3.50 to 3.75 grade point average. Full-time students must have completed 12 credit hours during the semester. Part-time students are eligible after having completed 12 credit hours and then completing six credit hours during the current semester.
Harford Community College Announces the President’s List
There's still time to register.
Harford Community College was recently awarded a National Science Foundation Award, “Expanding Pathways from High School into the Biotechnology Workforce,” in the amount of $493,912.
The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) recently approved four new credit programs at Harford Community College (Bel Air, MD0: A Certificate in Geospatial Technology, an Associate of Applied Science degree program in Biotechnology, and an Associate of Science degree program and Certificate in Data Science. MHEC also approved a substantially revised Certificate in Biotechnology.
The MOU is an agreement between the two institutions allowing NEMD URP to offer classes on the Harford campus from a variety of higher education institutions.
Students from Harford Community College now can easily transfer into St. Mary’s College of Maryland marine science major with the recent signing of two articulation agreements.
Students from Harford Community College now can easily transfer into St. Mary’s College of Maryland’s marine science major with the signing of two articulation agreements.
Harford Community College redesignated a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense
The Maryland Department of Labor’s Adult Education and Literacy Services division recently awarded a $450,563 grant to Harford Community College to fund the College’s Adult Literacy program that includes English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, Adult Basic Education (ABE), Pre-GED® and GED® classes, and classes taught at the Harford County Detention Center.
The Harford Civil Rights Project, a digital exhibition and mobile app focusing on various aspects of the African American civil rights movement in Harford County in the 20th century, debuted this past semester.
The National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE) has validated Harford Community College’s Information Assurance & Cybersecurity AAS degree program of study through academic year 2026.
Harford and University of Maryland, College Park have entered an agreement for our students to earn an undergraduate degree at UMD after their graduation from Harford through the Maryland Transfer Advantage Program.
Harford Community College held its First Annual Scholars Summit, which was sponsored by the College’s Honors Program, on May 25, 2021.
Harford Community College, a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education, has received $52,440 in supplemental funding from the National Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program.
Harford Community College held its Sixty-Third Annual Commencement on Thursday, May 27. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s ceremony was held virtually. The virtual ceremony gave the graduates a chance to celebrate their achievements with their loved ones from the safety of their homes. The Class of 2021 included a total of 935 graduates.
When Marjorie Edwards Markley watches her grandson, Charles William Hess, receive his associate degree in history from Harford Community College on May 27, he will be following in her footsteps.
Harford alumna Summer Bottomley ’19 chose Harford as a first step on her road to success.
Harford Community College is proud to announce those students named to the Deans' List for the fall 2020 semester.
Through a grant awarded by the National Security Agency and National Science Foundation, Harford Community College is offering GenCyber Smart Girls Camp this summer for rising 7th, 8th and 9th grade girls interested in cyber.
Harford Community College has partnered with the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center (DEVCOM CBC) on an Education Partnership Agreement (EPA) to formalize opportunities for biotechnology students enrolled at the College.
The National Science Foundation has awarded Harford Community College’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) division nearly $500,000 to update its current biotechnology programs, providing Harford County residents with the cutting-edge skills necessary for employment in the growing biotechnology industry in Maryland.