Bus Trip to See Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
27 January 2025
Enrich your life with travel! Reserve your spot and take a bus trip with Harford Community
College on Saturday, February 8 to see the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater at the
Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
Don’t miss this beloved dance company as it presents brand new works, contemporary favorites, and the signature Ailey classic, Revelations, for its annual Kennedy Center engagement. Revelations is the most widely viewed modern dance work in the world. There will be time prior to the show to have lunch on your own while enjoying skyline views of Washington at the cafeteria-style KC Café. The fee includes round-trip transport on a motor coach and an orchestra seating ticket. Meals are purchased separately.
Motor coaches leave from Parking Lot W (near Wawa) on the Harford Community College campus. Click here to sign up.
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