Celtic Angels Christmas at Amoss Center
13 November 2024
Celebrate the holidays with a special family-friendly performance presented by Harford
Community College. Celtic Angels Christmas will be performed at the Amoss Center in Bel Air on Sunday, December 15, at 7 PM.
Back by popular demand, Celtic Angels Christmas is a joyous celebration of the season from start to finish, encompassing vocal and instrumental holiday and Irish favorites. Paired with show-stopping world class Irish dancing and a full live band, Celtic Angels Christmas is sure to awe and entertain.
Ticket prices are $35 (premier), $30 (orchestra), and $25 (terrace). To purchase tickets, visit https://www.harfordevents.com/. For disability-related accommodations, call 443-412-2211 at least two weeks in advance.
The 908-seat Amoss Performing Arts Center serves the needs of Harford Community College and Harford Technical High School through a partnership between the College and Harford County Public Schools.
Learn More
Visit www.harfordevents.com to get more information or purchase tickets for upcoming events at Harford Community College.
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