Miriam Wiglesworth
- D.B.A. - Doctoral Candidate, ABD - Expected graduation date is Jan. 2022., Wilmington University
- Masters + 30 Attended Loyola University and Harford Community College to earn 30 additional credits, both graduate and undergraduate, in the field of Education. (2005-2006)
- M.B.A. - Marketing University of North Texas (2000)
- B.B.A. - Accounting and Management, Loyola University (1997)
Research Interests
- The dual enrollment initiative, the impact that it has on high school students, and community colleges.
- Evaluating the success of students who are or have participated in the dual enrollment program.
- Comparing the success factors within the different modalities of dual enrollment and if the modality of a dual enrollment course impacts student success.
Huddleston, M. (2018). Teaching dually enrolled high school students. NISOD Innovation
Abstract, XL(26).
Huddleston, M. & Wiglesworth, L.S. (2018). Nurturing classroom engagement. NISOD Innovation
Abstract, XL(15).
Huddleston, M. (2017). Using a free app to get students more engaged in the classroom.
NISOD Innovation Abstract, XXXIX (30).
McGraw Hill Publishing – Prepared polling questions and answers for 18 chapters in
the 12th Edition of the Business Foundations book by O.C. Ferrell
McGraw Hill Publishing - Reviewed the 4th edition of the Marketing textbook, online content and ancillary materials by Grewal
/ Levy.
Courses Taught
- ACCT 101 – Principles of Accounting 1
- ACCT 104 – Payroll Accounting
- ACCT 105 – Financial Statement Interpretation
- ACCT 107 – Spreadsheets with Accounting Applications
- BA 101 – Introduction to Business
- BA 101 Honors – Honors Introduction to Business
- BA 203 – Principles of Marketing
- BA 104 – Advertising and Sales Promotion
- BA 245 – Contemporary Issues in Business
- Business Management
- Business Administration
- Accounting