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Grants Awarded to Harford

Grants have a strong positive impact on institutional capacity and student learning and success.

23 grants worth $2,669,148 were awarded to Harford Community College in FY23.

State Grants

Most of the College’s grants are from the State of Maryland, specifically the Maryland Department of Labor, the Maryland State Department of Education, the Maryland Higher Education Commission and the Maryland State Arts Council. The Maryland State Arts Council is an agency of the State of Maryland under the authority of the Department of Commerce.


Harford Community College has been awarded grants from Maryland.

Federal Grants

Federal grants also have a strong impact on student learning. Harford currently has three federal grants: GenCyber Camps, BIOTECH Pathways, and Map Your Success.

GenCyber Camps are cosponsored by the National Security Agency and the National Science Foundation under Grant No. H98230-23-1-0127. 

BIOTECH Pathways is supported by the National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education under Grant No. 2000193.  

Map Your Success is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education under Grant No. 6707. 


Harford Community College is proud to receive grants from Federal Agencies

My thinking about biotechnology has changed drastically since participating in this program. It has showed me that I don't have to think technology and biology have to be separate things.

In Professor Jackie Madden’s Biotech Pathways Summer Institute, students are exposed to the basic elements of biotechnology and conduct hands-on experiments to pique their interest in related careers and further study in this area.

Participant • biotechnology Pathways Summer Institute

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2000193. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Harford Community College received more than $14M in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding, including both institutional and student aid.  

The institutional portion assists Harford with addressing the impact of COVID-19 and the student aid portion provides students with financial aid to help address the financial impact of COVID. Harford was also awarded State GEER funds in the amount of $830,441. This grant focuses on strengthening workforce development and continuing professional education leading to government or industry certification or licensure. The goal is to help individuals who have lost their jobs during the pandemic to learn skills in preparation for reentry into employment.